I got a blog!

(Jeg fikk min første blogg [Peefy, the blog] i 2005, og denne posten er hentet fra den. Jeg har satt publiseringsdato til da den opprinnelig ble publisert.)

After watching everyone else getting their own MSN-space, LiveJournal and Blogger.com blog, I decided it was time for me to get something similar.
I’m still trying to figure out stuff about this thing, allthough it doesn’t seem all that hard. I want to remove the spaces over the header and some other small stuff (that is probably very easy when you know how to do it.)
The theme isn’t made by me, but the guy on the header is me. I might change the picture sometime, but the one that is there now is good for a while I hope. I hade to remove a face from it though, see if you can find where it was 😉

Anyway, still trying to figure stuff out, so be patient. This is kind of a test-submission thing, so I have to see if I notice anything else after posting this. Thanks 🙂

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